In its relentless pursuit of innovation, WhatsApp has been actively working on incorporating new functionalities to stay on par with its competitors. Today, we are thrilled to announce the latest addition to the app as WhatsApp Unveils Sent Message Editing.
How to edit Messages
WhatsApp now empowers its users with the ability to edit sent messages effortlessly. The process is straightforward—simply long-press the message you wish to modify, and a menu will appear, offering the option to edit. It’s important to note that this feature is available within the first 15 minutes after sending a message, so remember to make any necessary changes promptly. Once you have edited a sent message, it will be clearly labeled as “Edited” when viewed by others, ensuring transparency and preventing any potential misuse. Rest assured, all conversations remain fully secure with end-to-end encryption, maintaining the highest level of privacy.
In order to uphold user privacy, WhatsApp does not display the edit history of messages. This ensures that any modifications made to a message remain discreet and only the final edited version is visible to recipients.
As WhatsApp Unveils Sent Message Editing We are delighted to inform users worldwide that this exciting new feature is currently being rolled out globally. The deployment is expected to be completed in the upcoming weeks, allowing users to benefit from the enhanced message editing functionality. If you need assistance with improving your correspondence with our Whatsapp Stickers, get in touch with us.